DG Creative Wellbeing at Upland Made

We were delighted to work in partnership with Upland to support the annual Upland Made Visual Arts & Craft Fair. The event took place at Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November.

made Well

This year the event included a special creative wellbeing space, made WELL, supported by DG Creative Wellbeing. This was a new initiative with the aim of underlining the clear connections between making and wellbeing.

Visitors to the space were able to participate in demonstrations run by some of the exhibitors. There was a range of mindful and engaging activities, and it provided a family-friendly place to relax and recharge.

Sessions included calligraphy, mindful embroidery, seasonal card-making, meditative wood chiselling and more.

made Well was part of our Community Creative Wellbeing strand’s Satellite programme.

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Images by Kirstin McEwan Photography

Art Journal Project

The 2023 Art Journal Project graduates hosted a stall as part of the arts and crafts fair. They were able to showcase their work and sold a collection of postcards, badges, prints and original artwork!

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Images by OutPost Arts

The Upland Made stall was part of our Community Creative Wellbeing strand’s Art Journal Project Graduate programme.

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