New Mural Project

In early December the DG Creative Wellbeing Art Journal Project graduates gathered for the very first in-person workshop of the Mural Project.

Our graduates are embarking on an exciting journey to create a captivating mural at The Willows – the NHS D&G Children, Young People and Family Centre. By involving staff and service users in the co-design process, this project aims to empower individuals and foster a sense of ownership within the space.

In the first session they experimented with lettering!

The project is in collaboration with artist Katie Anderson and CAHMS Participation Lead Alison Telfer. Over the course of the next few months, through workshops and planning sessions, Katie will guide the participants, encouraging them to think big and push the boundaries of their artistic practice.

“The project is only just beginning and we can’t wait to witness the magic that unfolds!”

Lucy MacLeod, DG Creative Wellbeing Creative Health & Wellbeing Director
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