Category: Blog

  • Creative Toolbox Update

    Creative Toolbox is an exciting new youth creative wellbeing programme for young people from across Dumfries & Galloway dealing with low self-esteem, low confidence and/or poor mental health. Georgia Blue, our Youth Creative Wellbeing lead provides an update: “Theatre-maker & performer Marion Geoffray, led a fantastic drama and devising workshop for our Creative Toolbox group…

  • CAMHS Mural Workshop

    CAMHS Mural Workshop


    Lucy MacLeod, DG Creative Wellbeing Creative Health & Wellbeing Director, provides an update a recent CAMHS Mural Workshop at The Bridge, Dumfries. I was working with a mixed group of Art Journal Project graduates and CAMHS service users – focusing on expressive, large-scale drawing/painting, composition and colour. First we warmed up with some simple life drawing exercises…

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